On December 10, 2015, an unforgettable moment unfolded on stage as Céline Dion and Michael Bublé teamed up for a powerful live rendition of John Lennon’s iconic holiday anthem “Happy Xmas (War Is Over).” This performance, which took place during the Christmas in Rockefeller Center special, marked Céline Dion’s first and only live rendition of the song, a piece she had not sung since 1998. The collaboration brought a unique magic to the song, as both vocal powerhouses joined forces to deliver a heartfelt and moving rendition that left the audience captivated.
The performance was more than just a musical moment; it was an emotional journey, filled with the deep resonance of Lennon’s message of peace and hope. As the song’s poignant lyrics rang out, Dion and Bublé’s voices blended seamlessly, bringing fresh life to the classic. Dion, known for her emotional depth and vocal precision, and Bublé, with his trademark smooth tone, made for an electrifying pair. Their combined artistry brought a sense of warmth and unity to the song, making it feel even more timely in the context of the holidays.
For Dion, this performance carried extra significance. It had been years since she last sang “Happy Xmas (War Is Over),” and her return to the song was met with emotional applause. The performance at Rockefeller Center was not only a rare and special musical moment but also a testament to the enduring relevance of Lennon’s message.
Fans across the world were treated to a powerful and beautiful reminder of the importance of peace, joy, and togetherness, as Céline Dion and Michael Bublé made this holiday classic their own. The performance was a moment of celebration and reflection, blending music and message in a way only these two remarkable artists could deliver.