A blind and autistic 10-year-old boy sings. Everyone was stunned by his voice. Christopher Duffley is a ten-year-old blind autistic boy with an incredible voice. He demonstrates that just because someone has a different appearance does not imply that he is any less capable.
Christopher Duffley was given a microphone when he was four years old. Despite the fact that his speech, social interaction, and cognitive abilities were classified as “significantly delayed,” he began to sing and thus began a journey that inspired audiences all over the world.
, that we are limitless… we just need a little reminder.
Christopher weighed 1 pound 12 ounces at birth due to drug exposure. He was placed with a foster family after five months in the ICU. His biological aunt discovered him, transported him to New Hampshire, and adopted him into her family of six. A new life awaited him, and his problems with total blindness and severe delays would shape it.